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Minggu, September 06, 2009

Good Travel Agent In Hat Yai and Penang

If you go Penang, take your time to visit Hat Yai don't missed it. Only about 50 km from Penang, North Malaysia. From Penang, Malaysia to Hat Yai, Thailand only take you 4 - 5 hrs. Hat Yai is the fourth largest city in Thailand. While you in Hat Yai, Thailand, you probably change your mind. You decide traveling around Thailand, and you don't know where you can get the ticket. Here is a good travel agent that were used while we were traveling around Thailand. This travel agent also had branch in Penang, Malaysia.

Hat Yai Green Tours in Penang
Phone:04-262 9922 or 04-261-2275 and 012-561 2275

Hat Yai Green Tours, in Hat Yai
Phone: 074-354-187 and 074-354-192
Fax number:074-230756

In this travel agent you can buy the ticket to Butterworth, Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore or Thailand area like Bangkok, Krabi, Surathani, Kho Pha Gan, Phuket, Koh Lanta and Trang, with AC Bus, AC Van, VIP Bus and Boat

Destination Schedule From Hat Yai:
Hat Yai - Butterworth, Penang: 09.30 AM, 12.30 PM, 15.30 PM and 16.30 PM
Hat Yai - Kuala Lumpur: 09.30 AM, 12.30 PM, 15.30 PM and 16.30 PM
Hat Yai - Singapore: 12.30 PM, 15.30 PM and 16.30 PM

While we go to Krabi from Hat Yai on our last holiday on June 2009, we only pay 230 Baht per person with AC Van. We just call the number from the hotel, and a next day for the appoitment the van will came to pick you up to the hotel.

On, our family holiday in Krabi after we're going to visit Aonang Beach we took Vip Bus from Krabi to Phuket the cost only 124 Bath per person for 3 hours journey.

4 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

hai ms.erna ! how do u do ?? I just read ur blog . It was really awesome trip . do u have the email address of travel agent in penang ?? thanks a lot for ur info .. keep writing bout ur trips yah :)


Anonim mengatakan...

hai mba' erna, mo tanya nih.. yg diatas tu contact utk tour sekitar thailand sampe ke bangkok ga ya?? ato sekitar hatyai aja??? trus tour yg itu per kelompok jg ya?? klo tiket2 ke butterworth, penang , dll itu tiket apa ya?? kereta ato apa?? thanks.. gw lg membuat rencana utk bawa keluarga ke thailand akhir taon ini jd bth banyak referensi ^^ krn pake tour muahal mbak...


Erna Yulia Tambunan mengatakan...

Dear Suri:thanks yach!
Santi: kunjungi ini deh, mudah2an bisa membantu

Erna Yulia Tambunan mengatakan...

Hi, anonim could you please read this